Tagged as Healthy Diet

Millions of people have trouble getting their day started without that first cup of coffee. There’s nothing like the smell of coffee to awaken the senses first thing in the morning. As it turns out, coffee might do more for you than just get you up and moving. In fact, according to recent studies, it’s possible that -the health benefits may actually prolong your life. Studies in Favor of Coffee - The...
February 18, 2025
Our diets can play a key role in longevity. But as it turns out, living longer may be as simple as adding one spicy ingredient to our diets. When we eat chili peppers, we may see our risk of several health problems drop dramatically. Let’s take a look at -the connection between chili peppers and adding more years- to our lives. What Makes Chili Peppers So Healthy? - Chili peppers contain capsaicin,...
January 23, 2025
Many people want thick tresses or long, lustrous locks, but unfortunately, genetics and lifestyle choices often derail these goals. Moisturizing shampoos and strand-smoothing styling products may help improve hair’s appearance, but surface treatments can only do so much. Sometimes it’s difficult to get the hair we want no matter how often we deep condition or schedule regular trims. Genetics can leave...
January 13, 2025
Coffee culture surrounds us and dominates the rituals of people around the world, one pumpkin spice latté at a time. Whether it’s from your coffee pot at home, your favorite corner coffee shop, or straight from a French press at work, caffeine is used by many trying to remain productive throughout their day. However many people take it a bit too far and become full on caffeine junkies. These are the...
December 5, 2024
Frosting-coated cookies, butter-drenched veggies, gravy on everything, and carb-filled casseroles derail the dietary habits of many healthy adults during the holiday season. Some people choose these foods because they like how they taste, while others eat them because they evoke memories of fun family festivities and the sense of tradition and good family times is comforting and defines the holidays....
November 25, 2024
Tacos aren’t just for Tuesday anymore. Nor are they an occasional, guilty indulgence. Done right, -tacos can actually be healthy. That’s the reasoning behind the newest dietary cleanse referred to as the taco cleanse. Can replacing one, two or three meals a day with tacos be healthy? It’s called the taco cleanse, and it’s doctor-approved. There is a catch, however, so before you go out and hit up all...
November 18, 2024
“It helps detoxify, works as a powerful antioxidant, energizes the body, and boosts immunity,” the announcer began. I was recently driving from Palm Desert to Los Angeles when I became riveted about this new, potential cure-all functional food. The more I listened, the more irritated I became. This wasn’t some magical superfood at all. It only became hip a few decades ago, yet kombucha originated about...
November 7, 2024
We live in a society of food excess, where people have been trained to overeat since childhood. In our society, most people overeat routinely. This is fairly obvious since more than two-thirds of adults in this country are overweight or obese....many people cannot even tell when they are truly hungry. Overeating is so deeply ingrained that many people cannot even tell when they are truly hungry. For...
October 19, 2024
Many of us are swayed by advertising. Commercials that show happy cows in a pasture, a package of beef that says “free-range” or “grass-fed”or “organically-raised:” it seems easy to make the right choices at the supermarket. We as consumers are convinced we know how to tell good food from bad food, best practices from worst practices, and healthy nutrition from the stuff that just mimics it. But is...
April 25, 2024
Do you sometimes feel that your appetite is a bit out of control? That you can’t keep yourself from eating those comfort foods? Giving in to your cravings once every now and then is fine, but you need to realize that overdoing it coupled with a lack of exercise can lead to weight gain. If you think your appetite has spun out of control and that you can’t keep yourself from comfort foods, read on for...
December 21, 2023