Tagged as Fitness

There’s a club with a primary focus of helping adults of all ages to get fit, stay fit, and age gracefully. With both fitness, friendly competition, and companionship at its center, many swear by this club as their favorite place to spend time. It's for adult swimmers of all ability levels, and it can turn fitness into a regular social event. Interested in getting involved? Here’s everything you need...
February 4, 2020
Would it shock you to learn that each year, up to 100 people die from shoveling snow, and thousands more are injured? It sure surprised us. This is according to the -National Safety Council. From pulled muscles and broken bones to heart attacks and head injuries, snow shoveling is a dangerous household chore. But it doesn’t have to be. If you understand the risks and practice snow-shoveling safety,...
February 4, 2020
Do we get enough exercise? For most of us, the answer is no. In fact, - Harvard Health Publishing - says that 25% of people get no exercise at all, while only about 50% get the recommended amount of exercise. But why? In addition to citing time factors, many people just don’t enjoy being active. But the good news is, there are several activities that count as an exercise which don’t feel like exercising...
November 19, 2019
Step trackers, especially popular brands like FitBit, were designed to motivate people to get moving more. Being able to count the number of steps a person takes in a day gives them the tools they need to assess their current fitness levels and set new goals. Some of these trackers can even be connected to smartphones, with apps that allow for additional tracking — like calorie intake, weight, and...
October 21, 2019
How many times have you tried to lose weight and "failed?"  Often we set unrealistic goals around how much and how long we will work out for.  I have heard friends and family say they are going to the gym - every day - this week to work out. When life got in the way and they didn't make it one day, they basically gave up. "I don't have time was often their reason." - My philosophy is that being active...
September 3, 2018
Put YOUR health first. Yes, first. Above your kids, your husband and your job. Sounds strange huh? Most moms put themselves LAST on the priority list. There’s just not enough time, so you surely can’t make health a priority. It would be selfish of you to care of yourself, right? -Wrong! - Chances are that you are the backbone of your family. When your kids get hurt you have to be there to take care...
June 11, 2018
The long-raging debate about whether diet trumps fitness has inspired innumerable theories and conclusions from experts and amateur health enthusiasts alike. “Abs are made in the kitchen,” resounds the familiar aphorism – but just how important is what we put -into- our bodies compared to what we -do- with them in terms of a daily exercise routine? - Our muscles are composed of protein (25%, to be...
May 22, 2018
How many times do you sit in the office looking at your computer, wishing you were at the gym or outside doing something active? You just want to exercise a little bit more, but you work a lot and you don’t feel like sacrificing the time you spend with your family for exercise. Anyone who has tried to keep up with the routine of going to work, staying healthy and exercising regularly has probably told...
May 20, 2018
As we all know, exercise has many benefits for health, including helping participants to live longer. In addition to longevity, exercise can reduce the risk of age-related disease, improve brain function, and even help to slow down the visible signs of aging. According to a recent research study published by the -Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - mice that exercised did not show typical...
March 9, 2018
Gyms have gained an outrageous number of members over the past several decades and the numbers seem to be increasing at a steady pace.  Many women who want to lose weight and get fit initially choose to go to a gym because of the access to equipment, fitness professionals, and for the social interaction from others with similar goals who they run into while at the gym.  For many women, this makes sense...
February 7, 2018