Antibiotics have changed the face of infection treatment, making many diseases that were once death sentences — the -bubonic plague-, for example — frequently treatable. But now, antibiotic resistance threatens to turn the tables once again, with superbugs rising to wreak havoc on unsuspecting populations. Antibiotics are important in the treatment of numerous infections, but overuse has led to strains...
Antibiotic resistance has led to the development of superbugs, which are responsible for at least -2 million infections- and 23,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. Until now, treatments have proved ineffective against these ever-changing strains of bacteria, but a recent medical breakthrough could change that. Scientists have discovered a new -compound- that presents exciting opportunities for the future...
E Coli is a bacterium found in the intestines of the human gut and the gut of animals. The technical term is “Escherichia coli.” This bacterium has warranted itself quite the bad reputation. Most of the time E Coli is harmless and actually helps the digestive system. However, when the bad type of E Coli strikes, havoc reeks, resulting in diarrhea. These strains of the bacteria are found in contaminated...
Summer brings the heat and the hot sun, the clear nights and the afternoon buzzing of bees. It’s also the prime time to light up the grill. One of the best parts of summer is getting together with friends and family to have a cookout. Of course, like with anything else, there are some health risks when it comes to summer outdoor eating. These few tips can help you protect yourself and your guests from...