We’re learning more and more about the roles different bacteria can play in human health, even beyond the infections some of them can cause. Our -microbiomes-, or the cultures of bacteria and other microbes that live in and on our bodies, can affect multiple aspects of both our physical and mental well-being. But many of us may not know that imbalances of some bacteria could even be responsible for...
Some of the most bacteria-laden items we touch daily are not found out in the dirty, grimy world-at-large. They’re actually in our homes. Household items, especially personal items that are regularly in contact with our skin, are breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and other nasties. According to - Time - , items that stay moist or wet, such as kitchen sponges, hand towels, toothbrushes and toothbrush...
In countries like Japan, China, Laos, Korea, Thaliand and Taiwan, removing shoes before entering the home is an absolute cultural must. In certain countries this custom extends to churches, temples, restaurants and schools as well. To leave the shoes on is to be rude and disrespectful to the homeowner and the home itself – something perceptually just as bad as putting your shoes up on the couch or...
Researchers believe they have found an “anxiety vaccine” in the most unlikely place: soil. Studies- have shown that a common bacterium found in plain old dirt, -Mycobacterium vaccae-, has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent the brain from being wired for stress. This means that an overly sterile environment in childhood could contribute to anxiety disorders later in life. For decades, scientists...
Bacteria can influence our bodies in ways even experts still struggle to understand. Invaders can ravage a system, some attacking with such speed and fury that they can overwhelm and kill their hosts despite all efforts to stop them. In some cases, the damage and waste products bacteria leave behind could be equally as devastating. They might even contribute to many different autoimmune and neurodegenerative...
A bacterium that once only caused rare outbreaks appears to be increasing its presence, and it could be the next big -public health threat. Legionella pneumophila- bacteria can live nearly anywhere there’s water, but that’s nothing new. So why are cases on the rise? - How Legionnaires' Spreads - Legionella pneumophila- occurs in small numbers just about everywhere water is present. Ideal replicating...
Bacteria influence our bodies in ways even experts struggle to understand. Invaders can ravage a system, some attacking with such speed and fury that they can overwhelm and kill their hosts despite all efforts to stop them. In some cases, the damage and waste products bacteria leave behind could be equally as devastating. Some bacteria might even contribute to many different autoimmune and neurodegenerative...
Gut bacteria might not seem like a cancer-fighting weapon, but as it turns out, it might well be. A recent study discovered that a type of bacteria in the guts of mice triggered an immune system response to tumor cells — which could have the potential to naturally ward off cancer. Probiotics May Do More Than We Thought — Including Fight Cancer - Everyone has bacteria in their gut. In most cases, that’s...
Though they may seem like very different parts of the body with very different purposes, the gut and the heart actually have a lot in common. Both are focal points for many of the feelings we experience — and whether you listen to your gut or follow your heart, you’ve likely felt the emotional effects of both. But colloquialisms aside, researchers have recently discovered a whole new, purely physical...
While some strains of -Escherichia coli- are harmless, approximately -265,000 people- are infected with a dangerous form of -E. coli- each year. And the consequences, for some, can be devastating. Although -E. coli- causes mild symptoms in most people, it can cause life-threatening complications in -5% to 10% -of the infected population. Some strains of -E. coli- are harmful to humans, causing gastrointestinal...