On average, Americans spend nearly -3 hours- on their phones each day. And that doesn’t account for- all- of their screen time. When you add in the amount of time spent on a computer, tablet or other electronic device, screen time increases dramatically — especially for those who spend 8 hours a day on a computer for work. It’s a sign of the times, and you may wonder why it even matters. Turns out,...
I wanted to know her secret. She attributed everything to genetics, but I knew she maintained a regimen for glowing, healthy skin. Beyond a great moisturizer, fabulous skin evolves from what you eat. Beauty comes from within, and the best dermatologist and cleansers can't rescue a terrible diet's detrimental effects on your skin. My friend employed these five strategies. For a younger, healthier, more...
Everything changes as you get older; physical ability, mental acuity and eyesight all succumb, in some form or another, to the aging process. Eyes, in particular though, are vulnerable to the aging process and may develop one or more -age-related conditions-, such as presbyopia, floaters, glaucoma, dry eyes, macular degeneration, cataracts and temporal arteritis. These conditions aren’t always unavoidable,...
If “wellness” is a result of our daily choices that lead to healthy balanced states of mind, body, spirit, lifestyle, and Social aspects, then how might various imbalances or unhealthy choices (stress, food choices, etc) affect our DNA or even our children? - In this breakthrough study (-Environmental Health Perspective- , 2006 114:567-572), researchers showed that dietary changes of pregnant mice...
Even though science has yet to discover the proverbial fountain of youth, there are many foods that contain anti-aging properties that can help increase one's lifespan and avert illnesses such as osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes. By eating the right foods, you can put the brakes on the aging process, feel healthier and live an active lifestyle to stay in shape. Here's a list of eight tasty...
We may start to notice wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots and soon others notice too. We're aging. And honestly, only the very lucky get to experience it. So maybe we start out trying to appreciate it. But honestly, we'd probably prefer to look like we used to. There’s a lot of hype around anti-aging products, though and many of them don’t give the promised results. And how can we know which do and...
While it is normal for people to age as they get older, it is not normal to be the victim of premature aging. This can happen when people are (because of bad decisions or through harmful environmental factors) exposed to harmful things unnecessarily. The human body is a wonderfully created piece of equipment and it can take a lot of punishment but that is no excuse to abuse it. People who abuse their...
If you struggle to reach a "zen place" in your daily routine, you should know that meditation might actually be the key to a longer, fuller life. Multiple studies have determined that not only can meditation physically alter your brain for the better, but it will also offer immense emotional benefits that also translate into brighter moods and longer lifespans. Not quite convinced? Here's your guide...
As each year passes, the body’s metabolism naturally declines. That, combined with hormone fluctuations and lifestyle changes or slowing down due to things like arthritis can mean extra -pounds- really start to pile on. Or maybe you weren't really concerned with your weight because mid-life was packed with kids and a hectic life but now as you slow down a little those extra pounds really start to cause...
Our brains are like sponges when we’re young, and most of us are eager to take in and process new information as it comes. The ability (and desire) to learn new information remains with us in most cases, but some issues may slow that drive down as we reach middle age. One of those issues could be our motivation to tackle new info, which may take a heavy hit upon reaching our 50s. Here's why. We're...