Seyed Sajjadi
UCI Health ALS & Neuromuscular Center
Office (714) 456-2332
200 South Manchester Ave.
Suite 110
Orange, CA 92868
Primary Specialty
UCI Health ALS & Neuromuscular Center
Board Certification Waiver, Neurology - General
Seyed Sajjadi
Dr. Seyed A. Sajjadi is a UCI Health neurologist who specializes in memory disorders and whose clinical interests include Alzheimer’s disease and atypical forms of dementia.
He earned his medical degree at Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Iran and a PhD in neurosciences at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. He completed a residency in neurology and a fellowship in behavioral neurology at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. He also received fellowship training in cognitive neurology at National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London.
A clinician scientist who studies neurodegenerative pathologies across the aging spectrum, Sajjadi's research focus includes Alzheimer's disease, primary progressive aphasia, frontotemporal dementia and dementia in the oldest adults. He is the recipient of multiple National Institutes of Health grants and the author of numerous studies that have appeared in prominent medical journals. He is also the recipient of the inaugural UCI Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI MIND) Joan and Don Beall Scholar Award.
Seyed Sajjadi provides neurology services in Orange, CA. A Neurologist is a physician who diagnoses, treats, and manages disorders, disease, and injuries to the nervous system. This includes such areas as the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles.
Please call Seyed Sajjadi at (714) 456-2332 to schedule an appointment in Orange, CA or to get more information.