Our facility is a calm, cozy spa environment, offering a vibrant team of wellness practitioners committed to forming a relationship with you that is respectful, caring, and one that encourages you to explore a variety of healthful practices and find a connection with your true self. Our evaluation process allows us to customize all of the treatments your receive so that optimal results are achieved. Philosophies from various modalities have been incorporated into our offerings, merging True Therapeutic Treatments, Traditional Spa Therapy, Powerful Energy Balance, and Advanced Technology, our custom therapies and formulations address your ever-changing needs allowing your body, skin & spirit to be restored to a natural balance.
Years In Practice33
Primary Specialty
Holistic Care
TrainingAll staff are licensed professionals
Office StaffEstela Leon Perez (trigger point & myofacial release specialist), Jennie Maulden (cupping specialist), Anita Nguyen (Cranio Sacral and IRT specialist)
Payment OptionsCash and All Major credit cards are accepted.