Shyama Mathews
Shyama S. Mathews, MD
Office (609) 853-6550
Fax (609) 683-6983
5 Plainsboro Road
Princeton Medical Center
Plainsboro, NJ 08536
Shyama Mathews
Care Comes First
Women will endure immense discomfort, pain, and compromises to their own quality of life as long as they can keep up with the day to day needs of their families and their careers. I entered into the field of Gynecology because I felt I could make a difference in the lives of these every day superwomen.
I believe in the power of LISTENING. Too often, patients describe that their complaints have not been heard or have been brushed aside. They have not been asked the questions that invite them to share their pain and discomfort. They have not felt comfortable telling their story. I strive to create a safe space and an honest conversation to get to the root of the problem
Patients deserve to make informed decisions. Without learning about their bodies and understanding why they may be having their symptoms, they cannot choose the best course of treatment. Without understanding the risks and benefits of medical or surgical options, they cannot take an active role in their health. I believe in EDUCATION and EMPOWERMENT. Women should be confident in their bodies and their health; they deserve a physician who will help them achieve this.
Primary Specialty
Shyama S. Mathews, MD
Albany Medical College
Lenox Hill Hospital
Accepting New Patients
Insurances Accepted
Aetna, Centivo Health Plan, Cigna, Cigna Medicare, Clover Health Plan, Consumer Health Network, Geisinger Health Plan, HealthAmerica / HealthAssurance, a Coventry Plan, HealthSmart, Highmark Wholecare, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, Humana / Medicare, Imagine Health 360, NJ Amerihealth, NJ Medicaid, NJ Medicare, NJ Qualcare, Oxford Health Plan, PA Health and Wellness (Centene) Medicare, Rail Road Medicare / Palmetto GBA, Tricare, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan PA, US Family Health Plan, Wellcare Health Plans of NJ
Medical Doctor
Admitting Hospitals
Princeton Medical Center
abortion, abortion information, anti mullerian hormone (amh) testing, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, birth control, birth control counseling, breast cancer prevention and risk reduction, breast cancer screening, breast examination, cancer risk reduction surgery, cervical biopsy, cervical conization, clomid, colposcopy, complex contraceptive, complex pelvic surgery, contraceptive counseling, contraceptive implant, contraceptive implant removal, contraceptive implant ultrasound, contraceptive injection, contraceptive ring placement, contraceptive ring removal, cryotherapy for anal warts, cryotherapy for genital warts, da vinci hysterectomy, digital rectal examination, dilation and curettage, dilation and evacuation, emergency contraceptive (ec), endometrial ablation, endometrial biopsy, family planning, gender affirming hysterectomy, gender reassignment medical treatment, genital skin examination, gynecological exam, gynecological surgery, hormone replacement therapy, human papilloma virus (hpv) vaccination, hymenectomy, hysterectomy, hysteroscopic adhesiolysis, hysteroscopic intrauterine device (iud) removal, hysteroscopic myomectomy, hysteroscopy, intrauterine device (iud) counseling, intrauterine device (iud) placement, intrauterine device (iud) removal, laparoscopic hysterectomy, laparoscopic lysis of peritoneal adhesions, laparoscopic myomectomy, laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, laparoscopic salpingectomy, laparoscopic salpingo oophorectomy, laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis, laparoscopic surgery for ovarian endometriosis, laparoscopic tubal ligation (ltl), laparoscopy, long acting reversible contraceptive, loop electrosurgical excision procedure, menstrual suppression, minimally invasive gynecologic surgery, minimally invasive hysteroscopy, minimally invasive surgery for ovarian endometriosis, myomectomy, nexplanon implant, nexplanon implant removal, office gynecology, online obgyn, oophorectomy, operations on cul de sac, oral contraceptive, oral contraceptive counseling, ovarian cancer risk assessment, ovarian cystectomy, pap smear, partial hysterectomy, pelvic floor exercise, pelvic surgery, pelvic ultrasound, pelviscopy, permanent sterilization, pessary, preconception counseling, pregnancy blood test, preventative care, preventative women healthcare, prophylactic oophorectomy, repair of vaginal tear, reproductive health, robotic hysterectomy
Additional Services