I chose to become a Physician Assistant because I wanted to positively impact the lives of others while working in an exciting, dynamic profession. I enjoy the challenge of helping patients overcome illness and injury as well as achieve their physical and mental goals. I prefer a minimalistic approach to medicine, ideally controlling disease states through healthy lifestyle choices and utilizing medications as a last resort. I strive to create a customized plan with each patient that will maximize their chances of success. I enjoy seeing a wide variety of medical problems and am happy to see patients for any reason they deem necessary. Outside of work, I enjoy outdoor sports and activities and occasionally playing the piano. As my children have gotten older, I have also enjoyed participating in their extracurricular activities.
ServicesChristopher Van Ooteghem provides internal medicine in Raleigh, NC. Christopher Van Ooteghem is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Christopher J. Van Ooteghem, PA-C in Raleigh, NC, please call (919) 781-9650.Additional ServicesGeneral Practitioner, Nurse Practitioner