Our family founded CannaBetter.Farm for a very simple reason.
Somebody we love has a profound debilitating medical disorder. We live in a prohibition state. When we learned about Charlotte’s Web and other new and exciting products, we began researching legal cannabis extensively. Over several years of sampling legal products from around the country, we found one that worked, sort of. Although it was terribly expensive, it was somewhat helpful in large, pricey portions.
And then the company changed its formula, and we were back to Square One. We believed deeply in cannabis. We already knew exactly what worked for our loved one. We had already determined that 100% of the dozens of the products we’d researched were highly diluted and impure. The seeds had been planted. We needed only to begin nurturing them toward harvest.
ServicesHemp and CBD products, Oils, Concentrates, Gummies, Delta-8 and all products made legal by the 2018 Farm Bill.
CannaBetter.Farm Ltd. Co Hemp and CBD Dispensary at the Forestbrook Food Lion Plaza at 3481 Belle Terre Boulevard #B4!
We provide our products to you with pride; they are of the Highest Possible Quality, at the Strongest Possible Concentrations, and at Best-In-Market prices.
We provide the best best value in the most concentrated, highest quality, farm fresh Hemp and CBD forward products available anywhere. All products are Farm Bill Compliant and contain less than .3% Delta-9 THC. We give our customers direct access to natural products that provide the most complete range of cannabinoids and terpenes available anywhere.Additional ServicesDispensary