Robert Beil, MD, is Medical Director, CICERO Program, Medical Director, Montefiore Einstein Transgender Health Program and Co-Medical Director, Montefiore Einstein Prevention Program at Montefiore Einstein and Associate Professor at our Albert Einstein College of Medicine. As a General Internist, Dr Beil has provided primary care to residents of the South Bronx for over 30 years. He has particular interest in HIV care and HIV prevention. After receiving his Bachelor of Arts in biology 1988 from Washington University in St. Louis, Dr Beil earned his Doctor of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati in 1993. He then came to Montefiore for his internship and residency in internal medicine from 1993 to 1996. Dr Beil's research focuses on HIV.
ServicesRobert Beil, MD provides internal medicine in Bronx, NY. Robert Beil, MD is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Montefiore Medical Group-Comprehensive Health Care Center (CHCC) in Bronx, NY, please call (718) 579-2500.Additional ServicesInternal Medicine