My name is Brandon Rappold, LMT, and here is a little about me. I have always wanted to work in the medical field and help people. Bodywork was always interesting to me and I pursued Physical Therapy for 2 years before I made the switch to Massage Therapy. After completing NYIM's criteria and student clinic in 12', I took my Boards and began my journey as a Licensed Massage Therapist. I've worked at different spas in downtown Buffalo and currently employed at various spas in Buffalo. I specialize in Hot Stones for relaxation, Pregnancy for expectant mothers, Auth Method of Deep Tissue, and Swedish Massage for overall wellness.
ServicesChair Massage: Great for clients that have trouble getting on and off the table and are more comfortable clothed.
Swedish Massage: The industry standard. It can be either a focused or full body session and ranges from light to medium pressure.
Deep Tissue Massage: To release Chronic Tension and deeper layers of Muscles. The Auth Method is Deep Tissue forearm technique that allows better leverage and a stronger broader surface.
*When your body tenses up and fights back, it is too much pressure.
Hot Stone Therapy: A relaxing massage that encompasses heated basalt stones to melt away tension without having to apply deeper pressure. The session can range from 90 - 120 minutes.
Pregnancy Massage: Done through all 3 trimesters and eases discomfort for mothers and promotes health for their baby.
*Miscarriages usually happens in the first 12 weeks and is due to genetic abnormality.
On Site Massage: Reserve an LMT to perform timed chair or table massage. Other therapists can be found if necessary.
Call 716-983-1462 to schedule an appointments or for any questions. *Inquire about additional time