Andrzej Lewandowski Speech Therapist Polskojęzyczny Logopeda w Chicago, "Chicago Speech Therapy" Signature Srvs
Dempster Therapeutic Services, LLC offers therapy services in Chicago and surrounding suburbs for a range of speech and language disorders such as articulation disorders, phonological disorders, stuttering, and expressive and receptive speech and language delays. Its founding speech therapist, Andrzej Lewandowski, MHS, MA, CCC-SLP/L, PEL, Polskojęzyczny Logopeda w Chicago® is an Illinois Early Intervention credentialed bilingual (Polish and English-speaking) speech therapy provider and a certified member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and has worked in multiple environments ranging from schools to private practices. Having graduated from four universities, Andrzej continues to pursue continuing education opportunities at the Stanford University School of Medicine in order to provide quality, up-to-date services. All therapists at Dempster works closely with families to help children find the best treatment plan for their needs. In 2020, Dempster Therapeutic Services, LLC was named “one of 19 Best Speech Pathologists in Chicago” by independent researchers at
ServicesYour journey to better speech and language starts at Here, you are always loved and respected. We’re in this together. Provided by bilingual (English-Polish), licensed and certified speech language pathologists / Ewaluacje, diagnozy i leczenie wad i zaburzeń wymowy. Polski logopeda w Chicago.Additional ServicesEarly Intervention Logopeda "Chicago Speech Therapy" "Polski logopeda"
I would love to recommend therapy at Dempster Therapeutic Service! Mr. Andrzej Lewandowski is a great specialist. He establishes an amazing relationship with the child, creates a nice and stress-free atmosphere, and encourages the child to exercise (which quickly brings results). The therapy takes place in very comfortable conditions (the office is clean and beautiful).
Pan Andrzej jest profesjonalnym i pełnym empatii neurologopedą, którego miałam przyjemność obserwować podczas pracy z pacjentami dwujęzycznymi w wieku przedszkolnym i Early Intervention. Potrafi on odpowiednio dobrać metody i pomoce logopedyczne do swoich pacjentów. Na zajęciach logopedycznych pacjenci rozwijają słownictwo, budują zdania, uczą się prawidłowej wymowy języka. Terapia logopedyczna jest skuteczna i przynosi szybkie efekty. Jako wykwalifikowany logopeda z Polski polecam serdecznie P. Andrzeja Lewandowskiego z Dempster Therapeutic Services.