Our wound care and hyperbaric medicine clinics offer new advanced therapies and progressive procedures to work in conjunction with the care from our referring providers to heal patients faster and more completely. We believe that healing chronic wounds requires a multi-dimensional approach that incorporates the patient’s existing physicians’ care; treating the patient as a “whole” and not a “hole”; offering options for additional assistance medically and socially; as well as addressing quality of life issues for the patient on their journey to complete healing.
WOUND CARE SERVICES Diabetic Foot and Leg Wounds Non-Healing Post-Surgical Wounds Arterial Ulcers Complex Soft Tissue Wounds Infected Wounds Pressure Ulcers Venous Stasis Ulcers Vasculitic Ulcers Burns Traumatic Wounds
HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY Diabetic Ulcers of the Lower Extremity Chronic Refractory Osteomyelitis Soft Tissue Radionecrosis Osteoradionecrosis of Any Anatomical Site Compromised Skin Graft or Flap Acute Carbon Monoxide or Cyanide Poisoning Cerebral Air or Gas Embolism Actinomycosis Progressive Necrotizing Infections Clostridial Myonecrosis PTSD Crush Injuries Acute Peripheral Arterial Insufficiency Acute Blood Loss Anemia Decompression Illness Brain Injury