The purpose of the Acupuncture Society of South Dakota is to increase public awareness of properly educated and adequately trained acupuncturists in their South Dakota communities. The ASSD was established to support efforts regarding the regulation and licensing of acupuncturists in South Dakota. This requires that they have passed the national acupuncture board examinations and graduated from an approved and accredited graduate college of acupuncture (see:
ServicesThe Acupuncture Profession Is Being Hijacked By FAKE Acupuncturist In South Dakota. The Public Needs To Be Informed and Real Acupuncturist Need To Be Supported Since They Are The BEST Providers of Acupuncture In South Dakota!
The disturbing fact is that there are other standards for those calling themselves "Acupuncturists" or utilizing forms of "Acupuncture" here in South Dakota:
• Chiropractors (D.C.s)- need only 100 hours of training, review 25 case histories and no examination to legally perform "acupuncture" in South Dakota.
• Medical Doctors (M.D.s) and Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.s) have no minimum training requirements to do "acupuncture" in this state. They call themselves "Medical Acupuncturist"
Ask your acupuncturist if they have passed the nationally recognized certifying examinations in acupuncture and graduated from a minimum of a three to four year full-time acupuncture program (over 3,300 hours) to enure you are being treated by a properly trained practitioner.
Acupuncture has nothing to do with chiropractic.
Do not believe your chiropractor even when they show you their fancy acupuncture diploma since it is not adequate or recognized training. It is a "crash course" training program and the diploma was designed to be deceptive and fool the public into thinking their chiropractor has completed the appropriate training in acupuncture. Don't be fooled by the fake and fancy looking diploma.
For more information about professional standards and licensing requirements for acupuncturists, contact the American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at 1-866-455-7999 or The mission of the Acupuncture Society of South Dakota is to educate the public about the practice of acupuncture by fake practitioners in South Dakota and to support the community of properly trained South Dakota acupuncturist and their clinics as they serve the people of South Dakota with the best acupuncture care.Additional ServicesChinese Medicine
Grateful for these folks that help us acupuncturists in South Dakota by providing information to the public regarding their search for qualified and properly trained Asian medicine healers.
I opened a practice last year in Rapid City. The support from fellow senior practitioners has been a blessing. Support in helping others in this amazing healing practice is the essence. I am gratefull