Brian Allen

Brian Allen
Brian Allen, MD 3445 Bannerman Road Suite 100 Tallahassee, FL 32312

Brian Allen

Brian Allen practices as a Family Doctor in Tallahassee, FL.
Primary Specialty

Family Doctor

Services Brian Allen offers family practice services in Tallahassee, FL. A family doctor is typically a general practitioner who treats most family members from children to adults.

Brian Allen in Tallahassee, FL may treat physical symptoms, prescribe medications, diagnose conditions and much more.

Please call Brian Allen, MD at (850) 894-2401 to schedule an appointment in Tallahassee, FL or to get more information.
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My husband has been seeing Dr. Brian Allen for his yearly physical for the past two years. I was initially pleased with Dr. Allen; as he is a very personable, nice and jovial man. However after explaining my husband's family history during our last visit several months ago and how both of his parents had heart attacks before the age of 50, and how his father had uncontrollable type 2 diabetes since his 40's and has since passed away; I do not believe he takes his patients health seriously. My husband; 50 in August has triglycerides of 780 and fasting blood sugar of 180-200. Which Dr Allen saw; and had ordered bloodwork on. I explained to Dr. Allen that my husband's triglycerides were well over 400 back in 2012 & have only increased in spite of losing weight before. Dr. Allen had no issue with my husband's triglycerides being near 800 when, the American Heart Association clearly states the following; "Borderline levels are between 150-200 mg/dL. High levels of triglycerides (greater than 200 mg/dl) are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis and therefore coronary artery disease and stroke. Extremely high triglyceride levels (greater than 500mg/dl) may cause pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)." He, as a doctor; told me that he recommends that a patient's blood sugar be around 150, or if it's a little higher..according to him; "that's no problem." If you look at the American Heart Association's guidlines for blood sugar; you will see the following: "126 mg/dl or higher – Diabetes Mellitus (type 2 diabetes) – At increased risk of heart disease or stroke." Dr. Allen Phoo phoo'd this as well as my husband's cholesterol which is at 244; which according to the American Heart Association (action should be taken). Dr. Allen offered no medications to my husband; who I am now trying to convince that he needs to work on his numbers; which he doesn't understand because his Dr. said everything was "fine". Praying my husband doesn't have a heart attack like both of his parents because Dr. Allen couldn't be bothered to prescribe metformin or a statin so my husband's numbers could be lowered "while" he works on losing weight. I just want to warn any future patients. He is a very NICE Dr. but clearly has low standards when it comes to patient care standards and the possible life & death of your loved one. I lost my father the same way; by massive heart attack in his 60's because a Dr told him just to eat better & exercise! If you have strep, or a cold or anything non-life threatening he is great; but please do your research about what your numbers and your loved one's should be. You are your own best advocate and that of your loved one! We will be searching for a new Dr. if I can get my husband to go back.
by Crystal
April 17, 2020