Esther's Place At Strathmore is a diversified independent senior community with many outstanding housing options. This is a close-knit family of resident's and management staff. Residents have the choice of living in privately-owned houses, or rented apartments with special accommodations. Each unit is constructed to provide easy living and extremely low requirements for maintenance. This is the perfect community for seniors who want to remain independent, but eliminate most of the hassles of modern life. Strathmore is one of the most elegant and attractive parts of northern Baltimore, MD. It is the artistic and civic center of the entire area. Residents of all ages and capacities enjoy a laid-back way of life combined with incredibly well-preserved natural surroundings, and opportunities for indoor and outdoor recreation. Each resident is encouraged to add dimensions of their personalities to the larger community. Residents of Esther's Place At Strathmore have every reason to continue a healthy, active and vital approach to living, and interacting with peers. Public transportation and services are everywhere including senior-specific services like pharmacies, hospitals, recreation centers and parks. For residents who just want a slower and quieter pace, Esther's Place At Strathmore has beautiful walking areas, gardens, clubhouses and space to relax.
ServicesEsthers Place at Strathmore is listed as a retirement community in Baltimore, MD.
Contact Esthers Place at Strathmore to discuss your retirement living needs in the Baltimore, MD area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 2901 E Strathmore Ave, Baltimore, MD 21214.Additional ServicesMinimum Age of Accepted Residents, Activities Onsite, Devotional Services Available, Indoor Common Areas, Meals Provided