Tirngo, LPN is the owner and provider for Joy Adult Foster Home. I am an experienced Oregon Licenced Practical Nurse with over 3 years of experience in general nursing and geriatric nursing. and used to work as CNA/CMA for 7 years. I have experienced and well trained caregivers and will provide a high quality of life, treat residents with dignity and respect.
ServicesJoy Adult Foster Home is listed as a retirement community in Aloha, OR.
Contact Joy Adult Foster Home to discuss your retirement living needs in the Aloha, OR area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 20669 SW Celebrity Ln, Aloha, OR 97007.Additional ServicesRespite Available, Activities Onsite, Indoor Common Areas, Meals Provided, Nurses on Staff, Complimentary Transportation, Outdoor Common Areas, Beauty & Barber Services, No Smoking Allowed in Private Areas Indoors, No Smoking Allowed in Public Areas Indoors, Wheelchair Accessible Showers, Resident Parking Available, Male Residents Accepted, Female Residents Only, Pets Allowed