Life Quality Home #1 Oakridge is located in the beautiful Colorado Springs, in Colorado. This assisted living and senior care facility is for those senior citizens who are not ready for independent living and need care and companionship. It provides residential senior living to the elderly and has Memorial Hospital Center near it which scored 82/100 in a pretty recent Medicare Review. The other nearest hospital to Life Quality Home #1 Oakridge is located at a distance of 4 miles. The recent crime statistics of the place give it an average safety rating. The focus of the facility is to take care of your parents and assist them with day to day activities such as providing their meals, housekeeping, providing medical assistance when needed and laundry. Regular check-ups are also performed on the seniors living in Life Quality Home #1 Oakridge to ensure that they are in the best of health. Basically, when living independently is a long shot and nursing homes seem too stressful for your parents to be in, this assisted form of living can be pretty helpful in making your parents feel completely independent and safe at the same time. Also, when you compare this facility to a nursing home, you would be paying a lot less, and the treatment would be personalized so that your parents feel at home and loved at all times. It is also a small facility for seniors so that adequate care and attention can be provided to individual members, and the quality of service is a top notch.
ServicesLife Quality Home #1 Oakridge is listed as a retirement community in Colorado Springs, CO.
Contact Life Quality Home #1 Oakridge to discuss your retirement living needs in the Colorado Springs, CO area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 2204 Oakridge Ln, Colorado Springs, CO 80915.Additional ServicesComplimentary Transportation, No Smoking Allowed in Private Areas Indoors, No Smoking Allowed in Public Areas Indoors, Hospice Available, Pets Allowed