Brunswick Village Assisted Living

Brunswick Village Assisted Living
Brunswick Village Assisted Living 316 Olympia Park Cir Grass Valley, CA 95945

Brunswick Village Assisted Living

A Unique Community & Setting...
Brunswick Village is a senior living community in Grass Valley offering Independent and Assisted Living options-as well as a dedicated "neighborhood" for persons with Alzheimer's. Our community is nestled in the foothills of the Sierras where beautiful mountains surround you. There is simply no finer location for senior living. From the moment you walk through the front door of Brunswick Village you'll feel at home. You will experience an attitude of caring that is evident from the home-like interiors to the neighborly residents, and the friendly, helpful staff. This warmth, hospitality, and commitment to service are the principles upon which Brunswick Village was founded

Brunswick Village Represents

Staff that are committed to enhancing the quality of life of each of our residents.
Activities professionals offer a comprehensive, Therapeutic Activities Program.
Transportation is arranged to local churches, shopping, and doctor's appointments, and other community events.
Experienced chefs prepare meals of exceptional quality, taste, and presentation.
Nevada County's only faith-based non-profit Assisted Living facility.
A beautiful building with enclosed landscaped courtyards.
Leadership that represents years of resident care operations and experience dedicated to providing an exceptional quality of life for our residents and staff.
Non-profit ownership and special financing to provide financial stability and to make Brunswick Village affordable to more residents.

Our Mission
Brunswick Village is a faith-based community existing to provide quality, affordable housing to seniors while seeking to lovingly minister to the spiritual and physical needs of those seniors.

Proud Member of Elder Care Providers' Coalition.
Primary Specialty

Independent Living

Services Brunswick Village Assisted Living provides independent living in Grass Valley, CA to seniors and retirees with varying levels of assistance needs and/or disabilities.

Please contact Brunswick Village Assisted Living for more information or to schedule a visit.