The American Institute of Acupuncture(AIA), was established in 2010. Traditional medicine refers to ideas, experiences, and substances that have been handed down generation to generation from ancient times, where the origins are obscure but where the continuity of basic understanding has been assured by a formal structure. Among the primary traditional medical systems still active today are in the Chinese, Tibetan, and Indian (Ayurvedic). AIA enriches the lives of people seeking traditional medicine knowledge and services by clarifying the nature of traditional medicine and demonstrating how it can be utilized in the modern Wellness and Health setting. To accomplish this goals.
Acuherb Clinic receive following insurance:
BlueCross BlueShield HMO. PPO, United Health care, United Group, Aetna and other most health insurance, you call your insurance policy to find out more or call our clinic @ 281-461-6499 to find more information.
ServicesAcupuncture treatment! Hypertension & acupuncture, herbal treatment Acuherb Clinic & Wellness Center proudly provides evidence-based treatments to complement the medical care you are currently are receiving. Our experience in the following areas sets us apart..
Acupuncture for the treatment of pain: We provide an effective, safe and gentle treatment that works! Studies show acupuncture is helping a wide variety of pain conditions including:.
Back pain Neck pain Migraines Sciatica Osteoarthritis Carpal Tunnel TMJ Tennis Elbow Myofascial Pain Trigeminal Neuralgia Acupuncture for the treatment of functional disorders:.
Fibromyalgia Allergic Reactions Nausea Fatigue Bell’s Palsy Stroke Symptom Mood and Stress related disorders Anxiety Sleep Issues Chemo-Therapy side effects Stop Smoking. Additional ServicesACUPUNCTURE, HERBS