EAS is an employee assistance program which contracts with employers to provide early detection and effective intervention for employees experiencing personal problems that affect their personal lives and/or their job performance. All services are free and confidential to employees and their immediate families of businesses contracted for this employee benefit. EAS is accessible 24-hours a day, 7 days a week and provides individual appointments in 6 offices throughout Clinton, Essex and Franklin counties, weekdays between 8am and 7pm.
Once in a while all of us are troubled by personal, family or work problems. Many times we can solve the problem ourselves. But if you have a situation which begins to affect your relationships and daily performance, it is wise to seek help.
EAS is a confidential and free service offered to all employees and their immediate families of the 125+ business, organizations and municipalities currently under contract.
The professional staff of EAS provides confidential assistance for your organization and employees. We encourage employees to call EAS before a situation affects work performance.
We are available to assist you with a variety of management concerns and issues. We recognize that stress is inherent in the workplace and this is especially true when changes occur. We can help you make the transitions smoother by offering support, ideas and programs to fit your individual situation. Additional ServicesEAP, workplace,