CBT Center for Anxiety & OCD is an anxiety treatment specialty center. The Center uses Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), the most evidence-based treatment for anxiety and anxiety related conditions.
ServicesThe Center specializes in treating Generalized anxiety, Social anxiety, Panic Disorder, Separation anxiety, hair pulling (trichotillomania), skin picking, PTSD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, anxiety related to Autism/Aspergers, health anxiety, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, postpartum anxiety, specific phobias (e.g., driving, flying), perfectionism, public speaking anxiety, test anxiety, sports anxiety, stress, school refusal, and sleep difficulties. Additional ServicesAnxiety, OCD, Panic, Body Dysmorphic, Aspergers, Gifted, Trichotillomania, Health, Public Speaking, Stress, Sleep, School refusal