Advanced Research Wellness Clinic , PMA, is a Center for Nutritional Medicine & Wellness Care, . ..... we are board-certified in natural wellness care & accredited in clinical nutrition ......
.......we see every person and family as unique and will work with each one of you to achieve your goals. We take the time to listen … No problem is too small or too big. We are committed to providing comprehensive health evaluations with customized nutritional protocols, using Enzyme therapy , with whole food-based vitamin , mineral & herbal therapies , we utilize state of the art testing & evaluation equipment with the complete focus on wellness. As well as preventive dietary & lifestyle evaluations, with.... .......... input on meal planning / balancing......
.... We endeavor to use natural, gentle approaches for Helping you re-gain & maintain your health in a timely fashion ....
.........It is not uncommon that by the time some of our patients come to see us , they have undergone extensive testing and have the documents to prove it.... .......While those conventional diagnostic tests are essential, most of those tests only provide a limited picture of your illness. That’s because standard tests are designed to only pick up on abnormalities in the late stages of disease when 80 percent of function has been lost ...... ... In order to create an effective understanding of your condition, we use extremely sensitive, innovative tests that give us a fuller scope of what is causing your symptoms. It’s a different paradigm in the regaining & maintaining your Health & Wellness vs. treating illness. We advocate what’s known as “functional” testing where we research for early signs of abnormalities before they become full-blown. Using this methodology, we are able to help you detect problems and track changes in your bio-chemistry, immunology, and on the cellular and molecular level. By obtaining such precise results, we are able to customize an effective plan for each of our clients.