Footbath Detoxification

Jenna Nelson, Licensed Massage Therapist

A footbath pulls so much junk out of your body, it is really incredible! You have to see it and feel it to believe it. Improved sleep for 90% of individuals. Pulls yeast, parasites and heavy metals out of the body. Many clients have had improvements with menstrual disorders, foggy thinking, back and joint pain, migraines, sleeping problems, pain from diabetes, etc.

The only things that go into the tub is tap water, a little sea salt and the stainless-steel coil encased in plastic. There is a significant difference between the home units and the professional footbath machines. With the professional units, you achieve a much deeper cellular detox.

They are not able to do sessions on individuals who have a pacemaker, are epileptic, are pregnant, or have had an organ transplant.

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