Wade McCulloch, Doctor of Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine
The Qi Spot is a gentle acupuncture clinic in Tigar/Portland. They believe in holistic health and wellness. Well balanced meals, good sleep and rest, exercise and mental well being. If given the right tools, the body has an amazing capability of healing itself of just about anything. Their acupuncturist Wade McCulloch is one of the most gentle Portland acupuncturists. He is also one of the few Doctoral Acupuncturists in the Country specializing in Pain Management from Auto accidents, sports injuries and Allergies.
Years In Practice18
Primary Specialty
EducationBachelor of Science Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
TrainingBachelor of Science at Southern Oregon University Master of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder Colorado Doctorat of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland Oregon
AffiliationsNCCAOM Oregon Medical Board
CertificationNCCAOM NAET Facial Rejuvenation
Office StaffWade McCulloch DAOM
Payment OptionsCash Credit card insurance PIP Work Comp
ServicesPain Management from Auto accidents, sports injuries, activity injuries and other accidents Fertility (for both men and women) Allergies (children and adults) Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Chinese Herbs for internal issues For more services offered, you can contact the owner/acupuncturist Wade McCulloch LAc personally at 503-919-9091Additional ServicesPain management