Judy has been practicing massage therapy for 24 years, has worked in a chiropractic office for 13 years, health spas and gyms. Graduate of Santa Barbara's, Body Therapy Institute and advanced training at Kali Institute of Massage, Ventura,
Specializing in, Neuro-Structural Bodywork (NSB techniques release fascial restrictions, restore sensory perception and allow for new neurological impulses which support postural balance and free range of motion).
Judy recently completed, June 2018, oncology massage training from the Institute of Integrative Oncology, (Greet the Day) and volunteers giving massage at Ojai Cares a non-profit for cancer resources and services.
Years In Practice31
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
EducationBody Therapy Institute, Santa Barbara, 1994. Kali Institute for Massage Therapy 2008. Advanced School of Massage, Thousand Oaks, 2001.
TrainingNeuro-Structural Bodywork, Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Therapy Oncology Massage
CertificationMassage Therapist Neuro-Structural Bodywork Deep Tissue Massage Oncology Massage
Services60-90 min Neuro-Structural Bodywork sessions 60-90 min Deep Tissue Massage Massage 60 min Swedish Massage 60 min Pregnancy Massage 35 min Geriatric MassageAdditional ServicesDeep Tissue, Neuro-Structural Bodywork, Swedish, Massage, Pregnancy Massage