Whether you need gynecology services or you are pregnant, our OB-GYN staff are here to support you. Your obstetrics and gynecological care is our top priority, but we also place special emphasis on your overall well-being and are committed to helping women live long, healthy lives.
ServicesGYNECOLOGIC SERVICES Colposcopy Endometriosis Fibroid Uterus Management of abnormal uterine bleeding Menopause and osteoporosis Minimally invasive surgery Pap smears Pediatric and adolescent gynecology Pelvic relaxation Premenstrual syndrome Sexually transmitted infections Routine and yearly examinations Ultrasonography Urinary incontinence OBSTETRIC SERVICES Management of normal pregnancies High risk pregnancies including blood disorders, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes Labor and delivery care Postpartum evaluation Preconception and pregnancy care Ultrasonography FAMILY PLANNING Contraceptive management Short term contraception Long term contraception Tubal ligation