Dr. Charles Butrick is the most experienced Urogynecologist in the Midwest, with over 20 year’s experience. As a national thought leader and educator in the field, he brings his knowledge and a staff dedicated to help you with your problems of bowel/bladder control, prolapse and pelvic pain. He will help develop, with you, a management plan tailored to your individual needs. Dr. Butrick offers free patient education seminars on a regular basis. Visit our website to learn more: www.urogyncenter.com.
ServicesUrinary/Fecal Incontinence, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Pelvic Pain, Sexual Dysfunction, Interstitial Cystitis, etc. Visit our website for more details at www.urogyncenter.comAdditional ServicesUrogynecologist
Dr. Charles Butrick is one of the best Urogynecologist in the country. He usually gets the train wrecks...people that have had multiple surgeries or no one else can figure out what's wrong with you. I am so glad that I found him and wished that I hadn't wasted my time with the other Urogynecologists in the area. Thanks Dr. Butrick!!!!!!!!!!