Tali Pariser, Chiropractor

Tali Pariser, Chiropractor

Tali Pariser, Chiropractor

Smyrna Chiropractor, Dr. Tali Pariser of Radiant Health Chiropractic has a warm and inviting chiropractic and massage office in the Marietta and Vinnings areas for treatment of neck, low back pain, and all musculo-skeletal problems. We also provide physical therapy and massage therapy in a relaxing environment.
Primary Specialty


Gender Female
Payment Options Cash, Visa, Discover, Master Card, Checks, Insurance

Insurance Providers:
United Health Care
Cigna Insurance
Aetna Insurance

All PPO Plans Accepted, Including:
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Great West
Anthem Blue Cross
Services Chiropractic Care

Dr. Tali Pariser’s goal as a chiroprator is to reduce the patient’s pain, inflammation and swelling with the help of passive and active care and restore normal function and range of motion to all areas of the body. In the next phase of care Dr. Tali makes the necessary corrections so the body will not resort back to its painful state. In the third phase of care Dr. Tali focuses on the wellness and life style changes so the body is functioning on its highest capacity. Her passion is in helping all her patients, families and their children, and athletes interested in wellness, recovering from an event or sports injury.

Using the most affective Techniques and Technology

At Radiant Health Chiropractic clinic, Dr. Tali uses tables advanced in their technology such as a pneumatic hydraulic table that has sections which separate and drop for the patient’s comfort level, specific area of concern and type of patient receiving the adjustment. We also have a table which accomodates pregnant patients by droping a segment in the midsection. Dr. Tali uses techniques such as a Thompson drop table, activator method, extremity adjusting, muscle testing to assess the areas of concern and determine the need for an adjustment and a compensatory misalignment. Our team keeps up with continuing education classes, and always learns new methods for diagnosis and adjusting.
Additional Services Chiropractor, Massage, Physical Therapy, Car Accidents, Back pain, neck pain, rehab
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Fantastic! One visit and I'm hooked!!! Can't wait till my next visit. Slept straight through for the first time in ages!!! Thx Dr Tali!
by B Gazo xxx.xxx.40.137
October 09, 2015