Chris Thompson DC is a chiropractor located in Weaverville NC, the office is family friendly home based chiropractic office. The office offers a variety of services from traditional chiropractic care to myofascial release including kinesotaping. At this time the office does not accept any insurance assignment. Our office is self pay office. During his years of practice he has developed a comprehensive therapy program that utilizes several modalities; hands on techniques and mechanical tools. This integrative approach has proven successful in providing relief from chronic pain and acute injury and re-educating the body to optimal performance;
Certified in myofascial release work for chronic shoulder pain tendonitis relief and foot pain like plantar fasciitis relief. Experienced in low back disc injuries, sciatica, neck pain relief, as well as, headaches and migraine headaches.
ServicesWe do chiropractic, myofascial release work, as well as, exercise instruction. we are a self pay office and file no insurance at all. Office visit are relaxed and friendly. We hope you will give us a call.Additional ServicesChris Thompson DC, Weaverville NC Chiropractor