This woman has totally changed my life...from a couch potato who had zero energy, Hep C virus, compensated cirrhosis, a foot neuroma that hurt so bad i could barely walk for almost a good 10 years. Podiatrists were no good in my condition, no one seemed to know what to do. THEN I met Brenda Wayland. We were both surfing the net and joined the same group online and she's been my lifesaver (seriously) ever since. She's like no-one I've ever met and probably never will again. I was on 100mcgs. of Fentanyl, opiods that were doing damage to my liver, I was Soo depressed I felt like just jumping off the roof of my apt building..BUT I must say that this woman, Brenda, got an airline ticket and came out to see if she could help me...all to pay it we should ALL do for each other without question. She stayed with me for two weeks and then the powers that be stepped in and worked their magic. For the next 4-5 days my foot was "uncomfortable" but nothing like the 8 -10 level I was in when she got here. Within the next week she worked on my feet, concentrating on my right foot that I had literally wanted to cut off. There was still going to be some residual pain after 10 years of suffering but the pain level was more like a 3 when she left. I thought there's NO WAY this can last! Well, since she left on the 14th of october...I have not had one single day of pain. Now if that's not proof of her skills, I don't know what is! My recommendation to ANYONE in pain whether it be back pain, shoulder pain, muscle pain, choosing her as your foot reflexologist would be the best thing you've ever done for yourself. She's an expert in her field and has 30 years of hands on experience. THIS is what I call exceptional care. Your life will change in very little time. Thanks for listening !