Dr. Neil Paulvin is an integrative medicine physician who uses functional medicine. Dr. Paulvin is a board certified family physician. He furthered his training and is also Board Certfied in Integrative and Holistic Medicine, Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Osteopathic manipulation, and Medical Acupuncture Dr Paulvin believes in treating the whole patient. Dr. Paulvin treats many issues, pain, fatigue, fibromyalgia, insomnia, headaches, weight gain, irritible bowel, hormone problems and more. Dr. Paulvin performs integrative labs testing to determine all the issues that are affecting you. These tests include saliva and blood tests, stool testing, neurotransmitter testing, supplement plans, and hormone evaluations. Dr. Paulvin also performs acupuncture, Platelet Rich Plasma injection , holistic pain injections, osteopathic manipulation, and dry needling. Dr. Paulvin also performs Biopuncture and Neural Prolotherapy which are both great natural tretaments for pain conditions.