Sedona Massage Therapist Steven Cohen provides recipients with a deeply relaxing and reinvigorating massage experience. With sixteen years of hands-on practice and extensive training in a wide range of healing techniques, Steven creates a dynamic, comprehensive session for each client, addressing the individual's physical and energetic needs.
ServicesDeep Tissue Neuromuscular Massage This technique works with the central nervous system to get at the root of pain and tension in the body. Steven's understanding of physiology and anatomy, combined with intuitive understanding of the individual's needs, allows him to facilitate release of stress held within your body. He is known for a style that strikes a perfect balance between strength and gentleness, allowing you to gain maximum results in a comfortable way.
Reiki Healing This ancient Japanese healing technique helps to balance and clear the recipient's energy system. Steven is able to sense any disturbances in your aura and chakras, which then allows him to sooth and balance the energy within the field. By incorporating energy healing of this kind, you will be able to experience a deeper level of relaxation and rejuvenation, as well as an increased sense of joy and contentment. Additional ServicesReiki healing
A highly skilled and professional massage therapist. Steven has a strong, but gentle touch, and you can tell he really knows his stuff. Try Steven if you want a REAL massage.