Designed with the patient in mind, we have created an atmosphere to make your dental visit as pleasant as possible. We offer state of the art technology ensuring that you receive the optimum dental care that you deserve.
To provide you with the highest standards, we will ensure that you will have one primary care dentist. This ensures that with familiarity comes comfort with your on-going treatment and helps us to develop a strong and long lasting relationship with you.
Ryoo Dental, Fullerton dental office of Dr. Victor K. Ryoo is a premier Fullerton dental office that provides excellent dental care for patients of all ages. We are caring dental specialists who can enhance your smile and give you that smile you've always dreamed of. Ryoo Dental offers a wide range of dental care in Fullerton to include:
Emergency dentist appointments Dental cleanings Invisalign braces Braces - Standard Dental exams Dental implants Root canals Crowns, caps and fillings Cosmetic dentistry If you need a dental appointment or emergency dental care, please call (714) 992-0030 for your Fullerton dentist needs. Or visit us online for more information about this premier dentist in Fullerton at
What a great office! Was searching for a dentist in Fullerton and Dr. Ryoo was the best of all my searches. Highly recommend for anyone looking for the best dental care in Fullerton!