I am here to share the Aloha Spirit, expertise, and resources through massage for you and your loved ones. Whether an athlete or chronically ill, I offer this space as a sanctuary to nourish your spirit, as your body heals and mind quiets to peacefulness. The mission of Gifted Hands Massage Therapy, LLC is to enhance your experience within the integrative modalities that are offered and recommended for your journey.
ServicesBonnie L. Jones, BASS, CHCA, LMT Founder/Owner of Gifted Hands Massage Therapy, LLC
Bonnie has a passion to support those on their journey to optimal health and to advocate the necessity for Alternative and Complementary medicines to be a choice for all. Look for Miss Jones to be one of three Licensed Massage Therapist's (LMT's) on the Hawaii Board of Massage soon, while taking an active role to represent, communicate, and inspire the integrity of massage therapy in private practice, medical facilities, and spa establishments.
Bonnie's specialty is massage for chronically dis-eased, oncology patients, and their caregivers. As a certified Patient Navigator for oncology patients, Bonnie walks the menacing path alongside individuals and their support team.
Interests: Practicing piano and ukulele, avid reader, "talking story" with sons, beach time with friends, sharing hugs with granddaughter (Jazzmine Sky), learning how to golf, and riding the Gray Ghost (motorcycle) with significant other.
Additional ServicesCranioSacral, Lomilomi, Medical, Jin Shin Jyutsu