ServicesPhysician services for the medical direction of the patient's care, provided by either the patient's personal physician and/or by our Medical Director.
Regular visits to the patient's home by registered nurses and licensed practical nurses to monitor the patient's condition and to provide appropriate care and maintain patient comfort.
Education for family caregivers on information and training they need to care for the patient at home or at a nursing home or assisted living.
Personal care services to meet the patient's personal needs.
Spiritual support for the patient and/or loved ones. This care is delivered by our hospice chaplain and is non-denominational.
Emotional support and counseling for the patient and/or loved ones.
Medical equipment (i.e., hospital beds).
Medical supplies (i.e., bandages and catheters).
Medications related to the terminal diagnosis.
Breaks for the family caregiver provided by trained hospice volunteers. Hospice volunteers can also provide companionship, pet therapy, massage therapy, and other life-enhancing activities.
Bereavement support to help loved ones with grief and loss after the patient’s death.