Dr. Marie is not your typical "back cracker". I had visited other chiropractors before, but always felt dependent on their adjustments to alleviate the discomfort. With Dr. Marie it was different. She guided me to find my own strategies to address the stress and tension I was holding in my body. The effects of treatment are deeper and longer lasting than any other D.C. With her help I was able to overcome carpal tunnel, sciatica, migraine headaches and brain fog. J.W.
I initially went to Dr. Marie to prevent injury as I trained for a marthon. Seeing Dr. Marie through my training yielded amazing results...no injuries and my body recovered quickly after long runs. She is also an athlete. I have found my body adjusts itself in a more natural way. I always feel more focused and more at peace after a treatment. Dr. Marie is very personable, knowledgeable and truly cares about her patients. She helps me keep my life in balance, inside and out.
ServicesA mom discovers her daughter's disabling foot pain requires a new shoe size. She also chooses to prevent future problems with custom spinal stabilizers. The relief is immediate.
An active nurse and dancer discovers her severe sciatica pain is not due to disc problems. In just 4 visits she is pain free and back to all her activities.
A family discovers not all chiropractors "pop" and "crack" bones. They discover the gentle healing waves that melt stress and tension start with a light touch expertly placed at just the right places along the spine.
A young man plagued with psoriasis discovers relief in the infared sauma and watches his obvious skin lesions shrink. He sees the benefit of eliminiating toxins and stops smoking to improve his health.
An avid runner discovered his calf pain was related to a Vitamin C deficiency. He improved his recovery time and has changed his training regime avoiding depletion to his immune system.
All of these people discovered an experience of how the body heals itself gave them a profound sense of well being. They discovered that Chiropractic care is not "instead of medicine care". They found that maintaining connection and keeping their body working properly saved them thousands of dollars in sick care.
When will you discover Royal Health and Marie E. Cavanaugh, D.C.