Acupuncture, Neurolink, Neuro-Emotional Technique, Detoxification, Diet, Cupping, Essential Oils and more. Treatment for anxiety, depression, digestive disease, sexual health, fertility issues, relationship help, allergies, asthma, pain issues and more.
ServicesPrivate Visits Community Acupuncture Single visit pay Packages available Weight-Loss Program Stress-Relief Program Quit Smoking Program Groups House-calls Custom In-services for Companies Additional ServicesPaul Gerst
He made sure every single question I had was answered, and he always available if I think of any more questions I want answered. I was so impressed with the progress I was able to make after visiting them. I was new to this type of treatment, but he put me at ease. Paul has an easy going manner and works with his patients to get a positive outcome.
Acupuncture had been recommended to me for anxiety and smoking cessation, but I was very uncomfortable about the prospect of having needles stuck in me! Paul was very understanding and patient. He found an alternative (oils and color-puncture) to use temporarily and waited for me to say I was ready. Even then, Paul began slowly with fewer needles at the start. Paul has a great 'bed side manner' that may only be surpassed by his commitment to helping his patients. As a result, I have had multiple treatments involving multiple needles, have committed to two detox programs to date, and am far more 'food educated' than I ever expected. I would highly recommend Paul Gerst for acupuncture or any of his many other services.