Speech Language Pathology
441 West Street Suite E
Amherst, MA 01002
Patricia A. Mercaitis, PhD
Dr. Pat Mercaitis has been in private practice in Amherst, MA since 1980 providing speech and language evaluations and treatment, fluency and voice evaluations and treatment, language learning disability evaluations and treatment, auditory processing disorder evaluations and treatment, reading evaluations and treatment, writing evaluations and treatment, spelling evaluations and treatment, social communication skills evaluations and treatment, public school staff trainings and consultations, workshops for parents and professionals on most topics e.g. stuttering, cluttering, language learning disability, auditory processing disorder, Tourette's syndrome, autism, asperger's syndrome, IEPs, swallowing disorders, aphasia, apraxia, developmental apraxia, articulation differences (lisps), regional accent, foreign accent, stress reduction practices, speech languate pathology assistants, legal and regulatory issues related to speech language pathology, licensure laws in MA, telepractice. She is available to speak directly with you by phone or email at patmercaitis at gmaildotcom.
Primary Specialty
Speech Pathologist