Dr. Connie, founder of the Center for Shadow-work and Spiritual Counseling of AIWP, is a unique counselor with an extensive private practice that includes:
Global individual and marriage counseling via Skype; Local individual and couples counseling in Los Angeles; Spiritual and religious counseling for all denominations; Dream-work to befriend your unconscious sources of struggle and of creativity.
With a doctorate in depth psychology, two years training at the Los Angeles Jung Institute, and 20 years in practice, she has helped thousands of people to detect unconscious sources of secret feelings and behaviors rage, jealous, lying, resentment, blame, inferiority, power struggle, addiction, procrastination that erupt in destructive ways. And, through Shadow-Work, she has assisted them to transform these feelings and behaviors into positive, constructive patterns, thereby renewing their self-esteem and revitalizing their precious relationships.
Primary Specialty
EducationConnie has achieved a doctorate in depth psychology, two years training at The Los Angeles Jung Institute, and 20 years in practice.