Chiropractic / Diplomate in Acupuncture Physician of Dr. Raymond E. Stricker III, D.C. LLC has been providing quality chiropractic health care and acupunture for more than a decade. Our gentle holistic approach and natural solutions for many health issues have improved the lives of many residents in the Tri-State area. Our chiropractic services are tailored to the needs of each unique patient. We also provide massage therapy by LMT massage therapist, Stephanie M. Hoskins.
Our services include a holistic approach based on sound medical knowledge. We specialize in Sports Injury, Decompression Therapy, Acupuncture, Cold Laser Therapy, Massage, Chiropractic Therapy. Our unique care serves in Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury, Physical Rehab, Holistic Care. We can also help reverse the effects of injuries caused by repetitive motion, poor posture, and poor lifting habits. At Harrison Health Assoc., we believe in promoting wellness through injury prevention and health maintenance.
We look forward to speaking with you and learning more about how we can serve you. Please call us today at (513) 367-5799.
ServicesRaymond E. Stricker III, DC with Dr. Raymond E. Stricker III, D.C. and Stephanie M. Hoskins, LMT treats the body, mind, and spirit. We believe in treating each patient with a comprehensive strategy involving physical adjustments, education, nutritional support, and wellness planning. Raymond E. Stricker III, DC has freed many citizens of the Tri-State area from pain and debilitating medication. Our balance of holistic treatment and sound medical knowledge ensure that you are in good hands. SERVICES Chiropractic Adjustments Massage Therapy with several different Massage Techniques Acupuncture Decompression Therapy SERVICES Cold Laser Therapy Nutrition and Exercise Counseling Wellness Planning Physical Rehab WE SPECIALIZE IN Back Pain Disc Alignment Joint Pain Achilles Tendonitis Spinal Degeneration Sciatica Headaches Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Whiplash Sports Injuries Carpal (wrist) Cervical (Neck Pain) WE SPECIALIZE IN Stiff Neck Car Accident Injuries Arthritis Frozen shoulder Hip pain Pulled hamstrings Radiating Arm and Leg Pain Sprained Ankles Rotator Cuff Tendonitis and Tears Tennis Elbow and more such as Herniated and Degenerative Discs We specialize in healing injuries caused by automobile accidents, sports injuries, and workplace injuries. We can help reverse the effects of injuries caused by repetitive motion, poor posture, and poor lifting habits.
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