Renee Allen has 15+ years experience as a Certified Massage Therapist. Renee is also a Health Educator, and has a Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology from Western Michigan University. Renee has worked in medical sports rehab and clinical care for The Burns Clinic and Northern Michigan Hospital. Her practice is devoted to assisting others with injury recovery and also relaxation massage to balance a healthy immune system.
"I welcome the opportunity to treat the whole person through massage and alternative therapies
Years In Practice34
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
EducationHealth Enrichment Center 1991 School Of Clinical Approaches
BS. Health Education - Western Michigan Univ. M.A. Exercise Physiologist - Western Michigan
M.S. Eligible for graduate degree 2013 -college of natural resources - Michigan State University
TrainingEsoteric Healing levels 1-5 w/ Dr. Briner D.O.2002 Shoulder Injury workshop 2007- Ben Benjamin PhD Low Back Injury workshop 2008 Ben Benjamin PhD Neck and Thorax workshop 2008 Ben Benjamin
AffiliationsAMBP( American Massage Body Work Professional) Insurance The Wellness Institute - Boyne Highlands Resort
CertificationCommunity Engagement Certificate - Michigan State University Certification in Reflexology - 2006 Certificate in Manual Medicine w. K.Barbor D.O., 2010
Office StaffRenee Allen CMT- Owner Rebecca Cameron - Partnered therapist for couples massage in your home location.
Renee is a very caring and talented massage therapist. She is trained in osteopathic soft tissue release. She has 20 years of massage training experience and I've never had my neck feel as flexible or pain free after a treatment as this one with Renee.
When I arrived for my appointment the friendly staff seemed to be waiting for me. I've been to other places where I had to wait forever after I arrived for my appointment, but not here. I was very impressed. Their office was one of the quietest, most peaceful places I've ever visited. I was able to relax very easily. They are completely committed to helping me as long as it takes to find the best solution. I never have to worry that they'll back out or give up if a solution isn't reached immediately, which has been a problem for me at other places. They almost always have a promotion or special going on. Whether its a complimentary consultation for new clients or a percent-off a certain service, I always get some sort of discount. They've stayed open past their closing times many times when I've needed help. They've never turned me away when I've needed them.