McKool Natural Medicine & Chiropractic Center is an integrative alternative health care center. Dr. McKool practices broad scope chiropractic incorporating spinal adjustments with anti-aging and preventative healthcare techniques using nutritional counseling, specialty testing, detoxing, nutraceuticals etc. The objective at McKool Natural Medicine & Chiropractic Center is to look at a person's health as whole - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health, get to the root cause of the problem and restore the body back to optimum health -- NATURALLY! Dr. McKool finds patient education vital to the success of the restoration of the patient's health.
Years In Practice22
Primary Specialty
Preventive Medicine Specialist
EducationUniversity of Maryland Sherman College of Chiropractic National University of Health Sciences
TrainingSherman College of Chiropractic National University of Health Sciences
ServicesServices that are provided are: -Specialty testing such as food sensitivities, hormones, comprehensive digestive stool analysis, iodine, heavy metals etc. -Detoxing -Nutritional and Lifestyle changes -Chiropractic/removal of nerve interference -Nutraceuticals -Health Coaching -In-Home Health Tutoring -Weight Loss (hCG) -Homeopathy -Applied Kineseology/Muscle Testing Techniques (TBM, NET)