This practice provides Massage Therapy For Wellness and Injury Relief. In the United States, pain has become public ailment no. 1. For many people, pain considerably impairs their ability to do and enjoy the things they perform on a daily basis. Massage has proven to be an effective means of preventing back and joint pain and will help you live a more relaxed and pain free life. From neck and back pain, to shoulder and leg issues, limited range of motion can affect you from how you reach for your coffee cup, to how you perform when playing a sport you love like tennis or golf. If you are an athlete, a yogi or a cyclist--runner or swimmer, massage can not only relieve pain and stiffness associated with injury but can also improve performance by maintaining the health of your muscle tissue. And then of course there is massage for the purpose of relaxation. An escape from the daily grind-a one-hour vacation for the body and soul. From pregnancy massage to instruction about infant massage (which can relieve colic and improve their sleep cycle), Felicia offers it at Lawless Chiropractic & Wellness Center. Massage is for everyone! You just have to take that first step and call or visit the office and schedule an appointment today!
Years In Practice25
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
EducationBA Foreign Language Studies/Communication Media American University, Washington DC 1991
TrainingSomerset School of Massage Therapy, 575 Hour Program, 2000
AffiliationsAmerican Massage Therapy Association
CertificationNew Jersey Massage, Bodywork, Somatic Therapy Exam. Comm Certification 2010
National Certification for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork 2000