Personal Fitness Training offers the services of a cardiac rehabilitation specialist in Owings, Maryland (MD). With over 24 years of experience, rehabilitation specialist Kenneth Richardson provides a comprehensive exercise program called Totalbody Workout, which focuses on the cardiovascular system. The primary goal at Personal Fitness Training in Owings, MD is to improve the physiological makeup of the client so that they are able to attain self-gratification and improved health.
For a cardiac rehabilitation specialist in Owings, MD, please call Personal Fitness Training to schedule an appointment, or visit the website for more information.
ServicesThose in need of a cardiac rehabilitation specialist in Owings, Maryland (MD) will find that the services available at Personal Fitness Training will more than meet their needs. They offer fitness assessment, exercise prescription, flexibility instruction and strength conditioning instruction. The Totalbody Workout provided at Personal Fitness Training is a six-step program that takes into account each client's medical history and exercise experience. The goal of the Totalbody Workout is for every client to achieve cardiovascular and physical fitness.
If seeking a cardiac rehabilitation specialist in Owings, MD, please call Personal Fitness Training at (301) 855-7971 and start getting help today.