AAHOM-Dr. Li Jie Acupuncture
1168 S. Kings Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28207
Li Jie Chu-McGimsey, L.Ac.
Li Jie specializes in diagnostics due to her extensive training in Beijing working at the China Japan Friendship Hospital Acupuncture Dept. for 12 years . If you get the diagnosis right then the treatment works. Otherwise you are getiing acupuncture that does not resolve the problem and you are wasting your money.
We do high level skilled acupuncture that is targeted at getting results quickly.
We mix our own herbal formulas from extensive knowledge of herbs. Li Jie is a 4th generation herbalist from a lineage from Henan, China where herbs are grown and processed.
Specialzing in treatment of Migraines & Headaches, Sports injuries, Infertility, Back Pain, Neck pain, all Pain conditions, Knee disfunctions, all joint disfunctions, Stroke, Sciatica, Tennis elbow, Allergies and Asthma, Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Panic attacks, High blood pressure, Skin problems, Ulcers & Colitis, Constipation, Diabetes, ringing in the ears, Sinus infections, Colds and Flu-acute conditions, Bells Palsy, Impotence, vaginitis,menopause,irregular periods and cramps, morning sickness, Overweight, Smoking, Eczema, Acne, Rheumatoid arthritis, Hiccups, Dizzyness, Fibroids, Immune Disorders, Candida, Chronic Fatigue, Epstein Barr Virus, Lupus, MS, Hepatitis, Shingles , Chemotherapy/Radiation Side Effects
Primary Specialty