Steve Struck

Steve Struck
3301 El Camino Real Ste 200 Atherton, CA 94027

Steve Struck

Steve Struck practices as a Plastic Surgeon in Atherton, CA.
Primary Specialty

Plastic Surgeon

Services Steve Struck offers plastic surgery at 3301 El Camino Real Ste 200, Atherton, CA 94027. Steve Struck may be able to perform enhancement, anti-aging, and reconstructive surgeries for patients seeking to improve their natural features or correct medical problems.

As a provider of plastic surgery in Atherton, CA, Steve Struck likely offers both surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures to enhance or correct physical features.

The most common procedures a plastic surgeon in Atherton, CA usually provides include breast augmentation and reduction, tumor surgery, microdermabrasion and face lifts.

To make an appointment with a Plastic Surgeon in Atherton, CA, call Steve Struck at for more information.
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Does this plastic surgeon use current and safe equipment?
Yes; the equipment is very advanced!
Does this provider ever overbook appointments here?
Never! They have lots of business, but they do such a great job of never overbooking.
Did this provider seem well-trained and experienced?
Absolutely, they were an expert!
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Does this provider leave you on hold for a long time when you call?
No, they are really great about answering the phone right away
by Anonymous
April 30, 2013