Farmington Acupuncture is honored to provide the Four Corners Area with the instruction and the application of the seven primary forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as modalities that are not in the traditional realm. All are powerful and integral components to sustain and facilitate optimal health and healing.
ServicesThe Pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine healing forms include: Acupuncture (TCM and Japanese styles, auricular, and cosmetic)
Chinese Herbal Therapy Moxibustion (heat with herbs or heating elements, such as TDP lamps
Massage (Tui Na, the Traditional Chinese form of massage therapy, deep tissue, Craniosacral therapy, Reflexology, and Jin Shin Jhytsu.)
Qi Gong Exercises (instruction in moving and cultivating ones vital life force energy, including meditation, 5 element, Breathing exercises, Constitutional and Seasonal exercises)
Life Style and Environment (traditionally known as Feng Shui)
When applied these forms provide a complete vehicle to health maintenance, healing and self empowerment! True health, after all, is the intrinsic balance between the body/mind, the energy (or Qi, pronounced chee) in and around us, and spirit.