Alternative Medicine

Occupational Kinetics

At The Center For Alternative Medicines we offer a fully integrated health model to work with all aspects of wellness.

The Center for Alternative Medicines is a signature brand of Occupational Kinetics. At The Center For Alternative Medicines we offer a fully integrated health model to work with all aspects of wellness. All of our services are integrated to help you reach the level of wellness you expect in your life. We have a Naturopathic Doctor, Chiropractor, Occupational Therapist, Massage Therapist, Exercise Physiologist, Dentist and Physical Medicine and Rehab Doctor. Our single goal is to give you optimal health care.

Our treatment philosophy is to find the root of the issue and treat that allowing the symptoms to go away. Most facilities focus on the symptoms and never address the root cause, thus keeping you in a revolving door of care.

Our clinicians will spend quality one-on-one time working with you to understand your history and how the problems began. Once we have a good picture we will put together a plan-of-care for our clients. Most of the time you as the client will see several of our talented clinicians are working together to keep you as the focus of care. We are truly an integrated health center.

Make a HEALTHY decision to be well in your life. Come to the Center For Alternative Medicines to change your life and live a happy, healthy, wealthy and safe life.

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